Year THREE in Zacango here we come...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Last week we went with our host family's sister and family to watch their son Kevin play the "jarana" (spelling not known -- a special small guitar originating from Veracruz) at a local art cafe. It was a lively, festive, and surreal experience! (I have some video of the event but haven't been able to post any videos from here.) The guitar is strummed at an incredibly fast pace and is accompanied by singing and a type of stomping dance (which reminded me of jigging). What a great (and late) time we had! One of the highlights for the kids was just getting to the event (a reoccuring theme for Zam); they loved being all sandwiched together in the back of the family's jeep. Ziko is particuarly fond of Peter (Brian and Kevin`s dad).
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaime, Bruce, Zam, Hizee, and Ziko,

what AMAZING photos and stories and rich, rich, life-giving goodness are exuding from my computer as I read your blog!! It is such a gift to see you all explore fully the vibrant spaces of your new (and breathtaking!) surroundings. Know that we are praying for you guys, and thanks for keeping us prairie folk up-to-date on your adventures... We love you!