Year THREE in Zacango here we come...

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Mother Hen

Hizee's beloved Chickee Poo has survived past her fluffy yellow chick stage thanks to the loving care and attention of her mother hen, Hizee. These photos were taken nearly two months ago so Chickee Poo actually looks more like a small hen now. During the stage when these pics were taken Chickee Poo continued to follow Hizee every where and to perch on her shoulder or arm whenever she had the chance. She now lives outside, roaming free in the backyard. She enjoys a very special status not granted to the other chickens who live in the chicken coop; and she still considers the house her "coop." Whenever the back door opens she bolts to get inside (this is quite a hilarious sight) and spends the better part of the day inside. She's a gem that Chickee Poo!
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